Bihar Board 9th English Answer Key 2025: 9th English Objective Subjective यहां से देखें 9th 21 March English Education Success
Bihar Board 9th English Answer Key 2025:
बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति पटना के द्वारा कक्षा 9वीं की वार्षिक परीक्षा का आयोजन 20 मार्च से 25 मार्च के बीच आयोजित किया गया जिसका 21 मार्च का हिंदी का पेपर है इस पोस्ट में 9th English Objective Subjective Answer Key 2025 , मिलने वाला है जिसका लिंक इस पोस्ट में दिया गया है पुरा लेख जरूर पढ़ें
9th English 21 March Objective Subjective 2025:- View
Name of Board | Bihar School Examination Board Patna |
Name Of Article | 9th Annual Exam Answer Key 2025 |
Post Category | Answer Key |
Bihar Board 9th Exam Start | 20 March 2025 |
Bihar Board 9th Exam End | 25 March 2025 |
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Bihar Board 9th English Annual Exam कितना Question पूछा जायेगा 2025:-
आप सभी को (Class 9th English Final Exam 2024) में कुल 100 अंक का प्रश्न पत्र पूछा गया है । जिसके दो तरह कर प्रश्न पूछा गया है। ऑब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न और सब्जेटिव प्रश्न (21 March 9th English Exam Answer Key)
परीक्षा में पूछे गए कुल 100 वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्नों में से केवल किसी भी 50 प्रश्नों को ही हल करना है । और विषयनिष्ठ प्रश्न में भी केवल आधे प्रश्न का उत्तर देना है।
नीचे टेबल के माध्यम से Objective का उत्तर दिया हुआ है। जिसे आप देख सकते है और PDF के रूप में डाउनलोड कर सकते है।
Bihar Board 9th English 21 March Question Answer
1.B | 11.C | 21.D | 31.C | 41.A |
2.C | 12.C | 22.B | 32.B | 42.A |
3.D | 13.B | 23.B | 33.B | 43.C |
4.C | 14.D | 24.C | 34.D | 44.A |
5.C | 15.B | 25.B | 35.B | 45.A |
6.A | 16.D | 26.C | 36.A | 46.C |
7.D | 17.C | 27.A | 37.B | 47.A |
8.C | 18.A | 28.A | 38.A | 48.A |
9.A | 19.B | 29.B | 39.B | 49.B |
10.C | 20.A | 30.B | 40.A | 50.C |
51.C | 61.C | 71. | 81. | 91. |
52.D | 62.B | 72. | 82. | 92. |
53.D | 63.B | 73. | 83. | 93. |
54.D | 64. | 74. | 84. | 94. |
55.C | 65.C | 75. | 85. | 95. |
56.D | 66.A | 76. | 86. | 96. |
57.B | 67.A | 77. | 87. | 97. |
58.D | 68.C | 78. | 88. | 98. |
59.B | 69. | 79. | 89. | 99. |
60.D | 70. | 80. | 90. | 100. |
Download Subjective Question
3. (i). Ans– about 500 will succeed in reaching its peak
(ii). Ans- when a young birds attempt to fly they fell down to the ground many times.
(lii). Ans- Emotional crying also affects the nervous system. One way it reacts is by opening up the muscle at the back of the throat (called the glottis). This feels as though a lump is forming in the throat.
4. (A). Ans– The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 confirmed humans are 99.9% identical at the DNA level and there is no genetic basis for race.
4.(B). Ans– An Optical Network Terminal (ONT) acts as a modem for fiber optic internet, converting the optical signal from the fiber cable into an electrical signal that your router can understand, while a router manages traffic within your local network, assigning IP addresses and providing wired or Wi-Fi connections
4.(C). Ans-Finally Narcissus tried to call to Echo, but it failed since she could only repeat his call. Finally Echo appeared and tried to hold Narcissus. Narcissus rejected her and Echo ran to hide. Her body then wasted away while she pined for him.
4.(D). Ans-He was singing the Bhojpuri chaita near by Bihariji Temple in Bihar.
4.(E). Ans-He recognises his grandmother from a mile.
5. (i). Ans– Mobile Phone:- A mobile phone is also called a cellular phone. A mobile phone is a portable device connecting to a telecommunications network to transmit and receive voice, video, or other data. Mobile phones make life easier.
9. Ans- Respected Sir/Madam, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great importance concerning the well-being of our young generation.
10. Ans-Cultural festivals offer a unique platform for students to express their creativity and showcase their talents. Whether it’s through dance, music, art, or drama, these events allow students to explore their creative potential and express themselves in ways that are not always possible in the classroom.
11. Ans– It’s a light in the darkest times, showing us a path to a brighter future. Without education, progress would halt, and humanity would lose its way. So, let’s value every opportunity to learn and grow, for education is the most powerful tool we have to shape our lives and inspire others. Thank you.
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