Bihar Board 11th English 19 October Monthly Exam Answer Key: 11th English Objective Subjective 2024 मासिक परीक्षा 19 अक्टूबर यहीं आयेगा Education Success 11th English Objective Subjective 18 October ,11th English October Viral Question Paper 2024, Bihar Board 11th English Objective Subjective 2024, 11th English answer key 2024, 11th English 19 October objective subjective , 11th English October monthly exam objective subjective , 11th English October monthly exam, 11th English 19 October answer key ,11th English monthly exam subjective question , 11th English Monthly Exam 2024, 11th English 19 october original question paper , 11th English objective subjective monthly exam 2024 ,11th English question out , education success |,
Bihar Board 11th English 19 October Monthly Exam Answer Key:
बिहार बोर्ड (BSEB) के द्वारा कक्षा 11वीं की मासिक परीक्षा की शुरुआत 17 October 2024 से लेकर 24 October 2024 तक सितम्बर मासिक परीक्षा चलने वाली है, इस लेख में विस्तार पूर्वक Bihar Board Class 11th English Monthly Exam Answer key 2024 के बारे में पूरी जानकारी देने वाला हूं और साथी 100% Correct answer key और वायरल प्रश्न यह दोनों इस लेख में मिलने वाला है, 11th English October की मासिक परीक्षा दिनांक 17.10.2024 के दिन होने वाली है | Class 11th English monthly Exam 1st Sitting में होने वाली है …पूरा लेख पढ़ें…
Bihar Board 11th English monthly Exam 2024 : Overview
Name of the Board | Bihar School Examination Board, Patna |
Name of the Article | Bihar Board 11th monthly Exam |
Article Type | 11th English Answer Key |
11th Annual Exam Start Date 2024 | 17.10. 2024 |
11th Annual Last Exam Date 2024 | 24.10.2024 |
Session | 202-26 |
Bihar Board Official Website | Click Here |
Bihar Board Class 11th English October Answer key 2024: मासिक परीक्षा वायरल प्रश्न और आंसर key कैसे डाउनलोड करें –
यदि आप भी 19 october 2024 के दिन Class 11th English October monthly exam की परीक्षा में सम्मिलित होने वाले हैं और वायरल प्रश्न और साथ ही Answer key कैसे देखना है व डाउनलोड करना है यह पूरी जानकारी आगे मिलने वाली है, English October monthly exam answer key download करने का लिंक नीचे दिया गया है और साथी 30 Objective प्रश्न में 25 वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न का जवाब देना है | English October objective Answer key देखने का लिंक नीचे दिया गया है और सब्जेक्टिव प्रश्न डाउनलोड करने का भी लिंक नीचे दिया गया है |
नोट या प्रश्न पत्र और उत्तर कक्षा 11वीं की मासिक परीक्षा का Answer Key

Bihar board 11th English objective Answer key 19 October 2024 :-
Q.N. | ANS | Q.N. | ANS |
1. | D | 16. | B |
2. | B | 17. | A |
3. | A | 18. | B |
4. | A | 19. | B |
5. | D | 20. | B |
6. | A | 21. | C |
7. | B | 22. | C |
8. | A | 23. | A |
9. | A | 24. | A |
10. | C | 25. | A |
11. | B | 26. | D |
12. | B | 27. | B |
13. | C | 28. | A |
14. | B | 29. | A |
15. | B | 30. | C |
1. Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 2 marks:
a) Can science determine what is right or wrong?
ANS- No, science can not determine what is right or wrong. It is not possible for it to do so. It can work out the consequences of various actions but cannot pass judgement on them.
b) How much did the countrymen admire Gavaskar ?
ANS- The countrymen were fans of Gavaskar’s batting and admired him very much. They were always sure that Gavaskar would bat very well in every match. On the morning of the Delhi test match, Gavaskar got some messages wishing him success. Just a day before, he was being accosted by some young girls to play the match as if it was the best one of his career. In planes, hotels, taxis, wherever he went, people always wished luck and asked him to score more runs than before. This shows that he was loved very much by the countrymen.
c) The Angel tells Tom something about God. What is it?
ANS- The angel tells Tom to look up to the Divine father and trust in his assurance and security. They (chimney sweepers) will never be unhappy in life.
d) What makes it difficult to the scientist to understand his mind ?
ANS- Scientists know a lot about nature and space and the evolution of this planet. They also know that humans themselves are members of the same order as the monkey, they know that everything in nature and space works on simple principles and intelligible laws. They know that the human mind is just a mercy of chemical processes going on in his body. The scientist can understand it all but hardly control any of this process. This is why it is difficult for scientists to understand his mind
e) What does the poet feel now that he is old?
ANS- He remembers the days of his youth. He had loved beauty, so much at that time. Now as he has turned old, he is disliked by women and others. He feels disgusted and neglected by every other person.
Long Answer Type Questions
2. Answer any 3 questions. Each question carries 5 marks:
a) Write a short paragraph on The Pleasures of Picnic’ OR ‘Global Warming’.
ANS- My school organized a picnic on Children’s Day. It has been one of the most memorable days of my life. The school took us to a resort that had swings and greenery. We went there by bus with all our friends. Upon reaching the location, they gave us hot tomato soup as winters were going on. After that, we roamed around the resort that was filled with greenery. I took a lot of photos with my friends and teachers. During lunchtime, my school gave us a hot and delicious meal which was very nutritious. It had fried cottage cheese, steamed rice, hot chapattis, potato curry and spicy curd. Everyone loved the meal and finished it in no time. After that, we played a lot of games. The resort was organizing a race so I participated with my friends in it. We got the second position and won a prize containing tasty snacks and fun stationery. Finally, the picnic ended with a group photo together with our friends and teachers. On our way back, we sang so many songs together and enjoyed it greatly during the picnic. All in all, picnics are great for reigniting love and forming bonds with one another. They enhance your mental and physical health. Also, they keep the light and love glowing that sometimes get lost in our daily lives.
b) Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life.
ANS- 25/4-B Old Colony
19th October 2024
Dear Vikram,
I hope that this letter finds you in great health and your family is well too. I am good here. Yesterday I attended an event that was held at our school. The topic for the same was ‘Aim in Life’. It was such an event that provided great perspective. After that, my aim in life, which is to be a doctor, became a lot more prominent.
Doctors are no less than superheroes in today’s world. Especially after witnessing situations like COVID-19, and seeing how selfless the service of doctors is, my respect for them has increased to a whole new level. Now, my aim in life, which is to be a doctor, has become of utmost importance to me. To me, being a doctor is not just about being in a good profession, it is also about giving back to the community in the form of noble service to people. No matter how hard it is to reach it, I will accomplish my aim in life, I will become a great doctor. And for that, I am ready to study as much as required, dedicating as much time as the profession demands.
I hope that you too are dedicated to the goal that you have set for your life, because dedication is the key to achieving it. It has been a long time since we’ve met. So when you get time, let us catch up and plan an outing together.
I miss you a lot. Hope to see you soon. Till then, take care.
Your loving friend,
d) Write a report in about 80 words about your visit to a historical place.
ANS- During the last spring holidays I went to Agra. There I visited the Taj Mahal. It is built outside the city on the bank of the Yamuna. A large gateway of red stone provides the entrance. The Taj Mahal is a large and beautiful building. It stands on a raised platform. In the middle of the platform there is a splendid white dome. At its four corners there are four stately towers. Underneath the while dome are the tombs of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. These tombs were once inlaid with precious stones. The Taj is surrounded by garden on its three sides. On the fourth side the river Yamuna grazes it. No one can describe its beauty.
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